Ikuti kami


23 June 2018

Warta Ekonomi.co.id,  Jakarta -  PT Mahkota Group Tbk, a company that focuses on the palm oil industry, believes that the weather this year will be better. The company is also optimistic that it can pocket revenues of IDR 2 trillion throughout 2018, growing 13.63% from the position of IDR 1.76 trillion last year.

“The rainy season has started, so it will improve in the second semester. Although there was a decline yesterday due to weather factors. The situation is improving because there are more raw materials and the signs have started to enter many fresh fruit bunches (FFB),” said President Director of Mahkota Group, Usli Sarsi, in Jakarta, Friday (06/22/2018).

He also believes that the company's net profit this year will return to IDR 50 billion as in 2016. “We predict 2018 will be like 2016, back to IDR 50 billion,” he said.

This year's optimistic performance, he continued, was greatly assisted by the construction of a refinery plant with a capacity of 1,500 tons per day and the construction of a kernel crushing plant with a capacity of 200-400 tons per day.

The construction of the factory took 8 months, starting 3 months after the company received the proceeds from its Initial Public Offering (IPO).

The company will release 703.68 million shares at a price range of IDR 200-250 per share. That way, the company can get fresh funds of around IDR 140.73 billion to IDR 175.92 billion.

Tag:  PT Mahkota Group Tbk

Writer:  Annisa Nurfitriyani

Editor:  Fauziah Nurul Hidayah

Photo: Annisa Nurfitriyani

Source : https://www.wartaekonomi.co.id/read185025/bangun-pabrik-refinary-mahkota-group-yakin-kinerja-bakal-moncer.html