Ikuti kami


01 December 2021

Head of Brigjend Katamso 2 Medan Vocational High School (SMK), Diska Disten, S.Pd, M.Si with the Rector of Mahkota Tricom Unggul University (MTU), Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Zulkarnain Lubis M.S. Ph.D signed a cooperation agreement on Industrial Work Practice, at Brigjend Katamso 2 Medan School, Jalan Marelan Raya, Rengas Pulau Village, Medan Marelan Subdistrict Medan, Saturday (27/11).

Head of SMK Brigjend Katamso 2, Diska Disten, S.Pd, M.Si explained that this collaboration was in the context of industrial work practices for students in classes XI and XII of the financial accounting expertise program of the SMK Brigjend Katomso institution for the 2020-2021 academic year.

“This cooperation aims to improve human resources, especially the quality of Bergjend Katamso Vocational School graduates in field work practice,” he explained.

This cooperation includes industrial work practices, supervision and assessment of industrial work practices and issuance of industrial work practice certificates.

While the Rector of Mahkota Tricom Unggul University, Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Zulkarnain Lubis, M.S Ph.D said that his party had prepared an industrial work practice team.

“This team will later carry out guidance, supervision and assessment of industrial work practices carried out by class XI and XII students in the accounting and finance expertise program of SMK Brigjend Katamso 2,” explained Zulkarnain.

Zulkarnain added that MTU University has management, information systems, digital business, agri-business, information technology and D3 accounting programs.

With the human resources owned by MTU University, industrial work practices carried out by SMK Brigjend Katamso graduates are able to meet industry needs.

Source : https://medan.tribunnews.com/2021/12/01/smk-brigjend-katamso-2-medan-lakukan-kerja-sama-dengan-universitas-mtu