12 October 2021
There are currently 3.6 billion people in the world using smartphones, of which 167 million are in Indonesia (Ministry of Communication and Information Data).
As digital technology improves, smartphone usage continues to grow. By utilizing digital transformation, SMEs can create new products and services on personal devices, and deliver them with global reach quickly.
Looking at the number of smartphone users, this is both a challenge and a hope for Indonesia to open up wider employment opportunities.
Learning from the success of developed countries such as Europe and America that successfully insert entrepreneurship material in almost every course, then followed by countries in Asia such as Japan, Singapore and Malaysia which also apply entrepreneurship material in at least two semesters, is a big leap in equipping graduates to plunge into the community who have the ability to entrepreneurship, business consultants, business designers, business developers, corporate policy makers, sustainable business planning, online marketing strategists, and many other skills.
The image of graduates from looking for work must be changed to creating jobs into entrepreneurship by utilizing digital technology.
To be a challenge and hope, Mahkota Tricom Unggul University has a Digital Business study program that will produce graduates with an entrepreneurial spirit.
Admittedly, the current level of entrepreneurship in Indonesia is still far behind compared to a number of countries in the Southeast Asian region.
Referring to data from the Central Bureau of Statistics, there are around 64 million MSME players. Of this number, according to the Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs, Teten Masduki, the percentage of entrepreneurs in the country has only reached 3.47 percent. This means that out of 64 million MSME players, 3.47 percent have managed to upgrade. This number is still relatively small.
Meanwhile, the level of entrepreneurship in neighboring countries such as Singapore has reached the level of 8.5 percent. Meanwhile, Malaysia has reached 4.5 percent, which is not much different from Thailand's 4.26 percent.
In fact, to hold the status of a developed country, Indonesia must be able to raise the level of entrepreneurship to at least 4 percent.
Industrial Needs
The presence of digital technology has brought a big leap in the industrial world in Indonesia.
The banking industry is one industry that relies on digital technology to provide sms banking, mobile banking (m-banking), and internet banking (i-banking) services.
Likewise, the development of the fintech industry is becoming increasingly diverse, and not only in banking service applications. The fintech industry in Indonesia is developing in the fields of payment financial services, funding, banking (digital banking), capital markets, insurance (insurtech), and other financial services (supporting fintech). Currently, the number of fintech providers in Indonesia is highest in the fields of payment and lending financial services.
The tourism and creative economy sector is also growing with the presence of digital technology by offering convenience for people to travel.
Plantations are also experiencing the development of digital technology, and the palm oil industry sector is no exception. The palm oil industry has now entered into digitalization or the industrial era 4.0. Mahkota Group Tbk has transformed the downstream palm oil industry with digitalization gradually.
Various activities such as seeding, fertilizing, harvesting and transporting have been digitized. Using digital technology not only detects healthy plants by identifying their color but can also analyze plant growth over time. And there are many other sectors that have changed with the entry of digital technology.
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