Ikuti kami


19 September 2022

The Introduction to Campus Life for New Students (PKKMB) activity to introduce the learning system in higher education is very important.

This was conveyed by the Rector of Mahkota Tricom Unggul University (MTU) Dr. Dompak Pasaribu SE MSi CPA CACP at the PKKMB implementation at Campus A Jati Junction Building Medan, last week.

He explained that PKKMB activities are very important for new students to introduce the facilities provided. Moreover, on this campus it has been done digitally such as registering attendance by doing fingerprints before entering the room to attend lectures.

Similarly, filling in the study plan card (KRS) and study result card (KHS) is done online so that students can do it anywhere and do not need to come to campus.

In terms of learning, the form of education in higher education is definitely much different from when they were at school. Lectures here students are given several options. It can be online or offline.

Students who cannot come to campus can still attend lectures through hybrid learning with a learning method that combines or combines online learning with face-to-face learning (PTM). This is done to make it easier for students, especially those who have worked.

“Lectures here have implemented independent learning on an independent campus (MBKM),” he said.

Many people are unable to continue their education due to work reasons. By applying digital technology, time and distance are no longer an excuse not to study. Students who study here live in Dumai, Jakarta and several other areas. With the form of lectures by combining online and offline there are no obstacles for students who have worked to study.

While the Chairman of the Mahkota Tricom Foundation, Dr. Ir Martono Anggusti S.H M.Hum said the implementation of PKKMB as a form of introduction to the campus world.

Through this activity, students can get to know the lecturers, rectors, heads of study programs and so on. Martono also reminded the new students to be able to develop their potential, so that after graduation not only get a job but also can open jobs. Students are not only given education in theory, but also practice by attending practitioners who have been in their fields.

Source : https://medan.tribunnews.com/2022/09/19/universitas-mtu-laksanakan-pkkmb