Ikuti kami


01 July 2024

Mahkota Tricom Unggul University (MTU) held a Golden and Digital Festival (Goldifest) at Campus A Grand Jati Junction Building on Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan Medan, Friday (28/6).

The Rector of MTU University, Dr. Dompak Pasaribu, SE, M.Si, CPA, CACP in his remarks conveyed the Golden and Digital Festival event as a forum for students and students to channel talents in the fields of voice attraction, English speech, story telling, bazaar and several other activities.

MTU University continues to be committed to helping students realize their dreams of getting a degree. For underprivileged students, scholarships are sought by inviting several companies as foster fathers. Likewise, tuition fees are still quite affordable and can be paid in installments 10 times a year.

After becoming a university there are 4 new study programs namely digital business, agribusiness, information systems and information technology plus the previous study programs of management and accounting.

Meanwhile, the Chairperson of the Mahkota Tricom Foundation, Usli Sarsi, who was also present in his speech, said that he continued to support what the rector, vice rector and team were doing.

According to him, the world of education must continue to keep pace with the changes that move so fast by adjusting the curriculum to technological developments and employment needs.

“A lecturer from China once told me that the curriculum in China three months ago had been changed to adjust to digital developments. Lecturers are required to stay updated with the times. If not, they will be expelled,” said Usli.

Therefore, he continued, lecturers at MTU must be updated on the times so that they can produce quality graduates who are ready to work.

I ask that education at MTU apply 70% practice and 30% theory. This is very possible considering that MTU lectures are still in the same building as the North Sumatra APINDO office and large-scale companies such as Mahkota Group and Tanimas. In this building there are many practitioners who are experts in their fields. So public lectures can be held both offline and online. That way students gain knowledge and experience in the world of work so that after completing the lecture they can adapt more quickly when working.

“The most important thing and I always remind moral education to be prioritized,” he said.

Source : https://medan.tribunnews.com/2024/07/02/universitas-mtu-gelar-goldifest