10 May 2019
SIAK, DELIKRIAU - Social Responsibility (CSR) is an obligation imposed on every Limited Liability company through Law No. 40 of 2007 concerning Limited Liability Companies. Through this program a company can establish a more intensive and harmonious relationship with the local government, central government and the surrounding community.
Because CSR programs are a form of humanism mechanism, it is expected that through CSR companies are required to further develop sustainable business ethics both in economic, social and environmental aspects.
PT Berlian Inti Mekar (BIM) has just held a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) event in Dayun sub-district.
This activity is one form of evidence of social responsibility carried out by PT. BIM by distributing fertilizers to farmers and providing assistance to one of the local organizations in Dayun Village, Dayun sub-district, Siak Regency.
Tedi said that through the implementation of the company's CSR Program, it is hoped that there will be an approach that integrates the company's social concern in conducting business operations and interacting with stakeholders based on the principles of partnership and volunteerism.
“We do this CSR aims to provide some of what the community needs, we will distribute more CSR assistance next which has been programmed by the company and this CSR will be routinely carried out in the future every year with different places,” explained Tedi.
Tedi further explained that PT BIM (Persero) realizes that its existence is not only to seek profits and increase revenue sources for the company. More than that, it is expected to help improve the welfare of the community, especially the people in its operational area, namely the Dayun sub-district. In addition, through its palm oil mill activities, the company also hopes to establish harmonization and togetherness with the community and stakeholders. PT BIM itself seeks to consistently implement its social responsibility through various social programs. Thus PT BIM (the Company) hopes that the company's vision to become a world-class palm oil mill company can go hand in hand with the development of the surrounding community.
“The CSR program is a form of commitment and proof that PT BIM is contributing to the sustainable economic development of the community by paying attention to social responsibility. Through CSR, PT BIM can also strengthen the relationship and sustainability of the company by building cooperation between stakeholders facilitated by the company through the preparation of community development programs in the vicinity. PT BIM also realizes that CSR is a savings for the company to gain profits. Where the benefits obtained are not just financial benefits but are a form of trust from the surrounding community and stakeholders based on the principles of volunteerism and partnership, “explained Tedi.
PT BIM makes the Regulation of the State Minister of BUMN No. PER-05 / MBU / 2007 concerning Partnership and Community Development Programs (PKBL) as a reference. In order to carry out its functions, duties and authorities properly, the CSR work unit is supported by the PT BIM (Persero) CSR Program Implementation Guideline
Partnership Program
The Partnership Program, which is one of PT BIM's CSR programs, is given to the farming community with the aim of encouraging agricultural activities and community economic growth and creating equitable development, through expanding employment and business opportunities.
One of the Community Leaders, Sahari Pangi said that the economic independence of the community is slowly but surely starting to show progress. People are starting to realize that economic progress does not only depend on assistance and support from the government.
“Efforts and hard work from each individual are needed so that this independence can be achieved,” said Sahari.
Sahari then added that in this Community Development, the assistance provided includes assistance for worship facilities, health, education, training for school dropouts, assistance for orphans, assistance for public facilities, assistance for nature conservation and others. All of this is done as a form of the company's concern for the welfare and needs of the community.
“This program is a social program, so the beneficiaries have no obligation to return the assistance to the company. This social program refers to the principles of benefit and transparency, so that whatever funds are disbursed are expected to be used as well as possible and provide benefits to the community, “explained Sahari.
Corporate Social Activities
In addition to channeling assistance through the CSR program, PT BIM also provides assistance to communities around its operational areas, for example to communities experiencing calamities and natural disasters.
For social programs that are routinely carried out by the company include blood donation, mass circumcision, scholarships and free medical treatment. All of these activities are directly in contact with the community and also involve the company's health team.
PT BIM hopes that through the CSR program harmonization can run well and all elements of society realize that PT BIM is not only looking for profit but also trying to provide the best for the development of the nation and state, especially for the development of its operating area. (fer)
Source : delikriau