22 December 2018
Medan, (Analisa). The interest of stock investors in the country has increased significantly. According to data from PT Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia (KSEI) as of November 19, 2018, the number of stock investors on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) reached 829,426 single investor identification (SID), an increase of 31.97% compared to the number of investors at the end of 2017 of 628,491 SID. The increase in the number of stock investors also occurred in North Sumatra. Until November BEI Representative of North Sumatra recorded stock investors from North Sumatra around 36 thousand SID.
The increase in the number of stock investors in Indonesia, including in North Sumatra, was welcomed by the President Director of PT Mahkota Group, Usli Sarsi. “It is hoped that the number of stock investors in the coming year will continue to increase,” said Usli, recently.
When compared to the total population, the number of stock investors in Indonesia is still small, which is still below 1%, including in North Sumatra. When viewed from Asean countries, the number of stock investors is greater.
The awareness of Indonesian people to become stock investors is still very low. Indonesians are still interested in investing in savings or deposits. Whereas being a stock investor is more profitable.
The reason for the low number of Indonesians becoming stock investors is because they still think that buying stocks is gambling. This assumption is very wrong. Buying stocks does not mean pitting your luck to get lucky. But it takes a little skill in choosing stocks that provide benefits.
It is not difficult to choose which stocks are profitable. Stock investors only need to pay attention to three things. First, what sector is currently trending. One of the trending sectors is palm oil. The government's policy in 2019 to implement B20 will increase the use of palm oil heads in Indonesia more. This will lead to better palm oil prices. Besides palm oil, there are other sectors.
The second thing to consider is the composition of the management of the company. Does the board have a good track record or not. The track record of the management will determine the growth of the company in the future. Third, the company's financial statements whether it is profitable or not.
“By knowing these three things, being a stock investor will benefit,” Usli said.
Entering 2019, many investors are taking a wait-and-see approach. The reason is that 2019 is a political year full of uncertainty.
According to Usli, the wait-and-see attitude taken by many business actors does not need to be excessive. The democratic party held in Indonesia has taken place repeatedly and has proven not to have a negative effect on the economy. Even if there is a decline, it is very small.
“Companies that want to IPO don't have to linger, waiting for the political temperature to drop,” Usli said.
By conducting an IPO, there are many benefits obtained by the company. One of them is obtaining additional capital from the public to develop a larger company. By obtaining capital from banks, the company must think about returning the loan. For the company to grow it takes several years.
“How can a company grow if it has not yet made a profit and has to return the loan,” he said. (rin)
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