21 September 2023
In the next twenty years, Indonesia will enter the golden years. This means that in 2045 Indonesia will get a demographic bonus or that 70% of Indonesia's population is in productive age, namely 15-64 years old, while the remaining 30% is an unproductive population, namely those under 14 years old and over 65 years old in the period 2020-2045.
With a larger number of productive age, it is necessary to prepare a smart generation that is comprehensive, productive, innovative, and has a strong character.
“Are the new students of MTU University ready to become the golden generation and digital generation,” said the Rector of Mahkota Tricom Unggul University (MTU) Dr. Dompak Pasaribu, SE, M.Si, CPA, CACP in front of hundreds of new students of MTU University at the Introduction of New Student Campus Life (PKKMB) activities at the MTU Campus Grand Jati Junction Building Lt. 25 Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan No. 3A Medan, recently.
The massive development of technology has brought about changes, not only in industry but also in human life. Including in the world of education, especially universities must also change with the use of technology.
MTU University in carrying out education will continue to take a technological approach, such as digital lecture rooms such as attendance lists by fingerprinting before entering the room to attend lectures. Filling out the study plan card (KRS) and study result card (KHS) is done online so that students can do it anywhere and do not need to come to campus. Lectures are based online and offline so that students who cannot come to campus can still attend lectures in hybrid learning with a learning method that combines or combines online learning with face-to-face learning (PTM). This is done to make it easier for students, especially those who have worked.
“Lectures here have implemented merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM),” he said. Many people are unable to continue their education due to work reasons. By applying digital technology, time and distance are no longer a reason not to study.
Meanwhile, the Chairperson of the Mahkota Tricom Foundation, Usli Sarsi, said that the new students should be proud to be able to study at MTU University. There are still many who cannot continue their education to college because they do not have money, work and so on.
Usli wanted to have an educational institution from kindergarten to university. And it has been realized. “We have Brigjen Katamso One School in Sunggal and Brigjen Katamso Two in Marelan from kindergarten, elementary school, junior high school, high school and vocational high school with 3,000 students. In college we have Mahkota Tricom Unggul University,” he said.
Universities and industries need each other. Universities need industry so that graduates can get jobs, while industry needs skilled human resources. In order for universities to produce graduates that are needed by industry, collaboration between universities and industry must be done.
The founders of MTU University are business people who have large businesses, one of which is PT Mahkota Group Tbk.
“For MTU University, it is not difficult to collaborate with industry because the founders have many industries,” he said.
In the PKKMB activity, the Chairperson of the Mahkota Tricom Foundation Trustees, Dr. Ir. Martono Anggusti, SH, MM, M.Hum provided success tips so that MTU students could achieve their desired goals.